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Masonry is the Largest Fraternity in the World

Freemasonry traces its ancestry to the operative crafts, which records indicate, were introduced into England as early as 674 A.D.   Freemasonry is directly descended from these associations of operative craftsmen, primarily the Cathedral builders of the Middle Ages.  In the late 17th and 18th century as Cathedral building came to an end, numbers of these operative stone Mason guides or lodges began to accept as members good men who were not Stone Masons.  They were called Accepted or Speculative Masons.  From these groups, Freemasonry of today had its beginning.

In 1717, four Lodges of Freemasons, meeting in London, England, formed the first Grand Lodge in the world.  This Grand Lodge chartered Symbolic Lodges and Provincial Grand Lodges in many countries, including the United States.  Today, there are more than 150 Grand Lodges in free countries of the world.  The Grand Lodge is the administrative authority in its territory, known as Jurisdiction.  The Grand Lodge of Louisiana is the Supreme Masonic Power and Authority in this Jurisdiction throughout the state of Louisiana.  In the United States, there are 49 Grand Lodges.

The basic unit of all Grand Lodges is the Masonic Lodge, often known as the Symbolic Lodge, Blue Lodge, or Craft Lodge.  It is the Masonic Lodge that receives and acts upon petitions for the three degrees known as the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason Degrees.

Masonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for one.  Neither is it an off-spring of any church, ancient or modern.  Masonry does require that an individual believes in a Supreme Being, in which he worships in his own fashion according to his religious faith.

Masonry is not a Secret Society.  It does not hide its existence or its membership.  It is an organization formed and existing on the broad basis of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.

Any adult male of good repute, of high moral character, of sound mind, who believes in God, and has the usual senses of a man, especially those of hearing, seeing, and feeling and capable of reading and writing English, and at least 18 years old., may petition to join masonry.

To Join

Masonry does not solicit members.  No one will ask you to join.  When a man seeks admission to join the fraternity, it must be of his own free will, – HE MUST ASK to join.  He must first ask a Mason and then tell him that he is interested in joining.  To be one, you must ask one!  Contact a Master Mason that you know, and he will get you the appropriate forms, “Background Check”, and “Petition to Join Masonry”.  You must have (2) two Master Masons to vouch for you, and they must sign your Petition.

Our Address

The El Karubah Shrine Temple

6230 South Lakeshore Dr

Shreveport, LA 71119
